Photography Challenge #6

This one’s for those who believe a dedicated camera will make you a better photographer. To some extent it does. But the most important factor when photographing anything is light. The 6th Dogwood52 challenge is called “No Filter”. So no fancy edits, no wild colouring, just the basic exposure settings.

What’s great about this photo is the fact it was taken with my smartphone. Although I had the camera with me, I already had the phone in my hand.

Dropped the highlights a bit and added a touch of contrast

Thailand has given me many memories. Some of them include very beautiful sunsets over the Andaman Sea. Can’t wait to be back. After all, I managed to get a nice shot of the Milky Way.

If you’re visiting this blog for the first time, I’ve accepted the Dogwood52 photography challenge. Every week has a different theme. You can check them out here. You can also see all my Dogwood52 photos in the Challenge category.

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