Sony is working on keeping APS-C alive: new lenses are coming

It’s hard being a manufacturer in 2022. Sony has been hit by the chip shortage so hard, it had to stop nearly its entire APS-C production. Luckily they can still make lenses. So why not give the people who already bought the a6400, the a6600 or the ZV-E10 something new to play with? That’s what Sony is working on. Allegedly.

Not too long from now we’ll see three new lenses: an 11mm f/1.8, a 15mm f/1.4 and a 10-20mm f/4.0. If these turn out to be real, it clearly shows Sony’s intent to cater to vloggers. ZV-E10 users complained about the kit lens not being wide enough. All of the above can solve this issue.

As for the rest of us, these lenses could be easily used for real estate, architecture and astrophotography. The price will matter a lot, especially considering there’s already competition at those focals:

Being Sony, the new lenses should have more features than the competition – better build quality, perhaps a button or two, maybe even a G badge.

Then there’s the price of the ZV-E10: €749. Pro users are used to open their wallets to lenses that are more expensive than full frame bodies. The lower end of the market is more sensitive about this. Every penny counts, so shelling out around €900* for the new 10-20mm f/4.0 will be challenging.

Nevertheless, these new potential lenses excite me. The last time Sony launched APS-C glass most of us didn’t know what a pandemic meant. Yes, 2019 was THAT long ago.

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